
Danielle Veira

Senior Strategist

Danielle Veira is a certified professional coach, hosting workshops and retreats with leaders at every level in their careers—from C-suite to entry-level. She also offers one-on-one coaching engagements where she works with clients to discover their core values, life purpose, talents, and strengths.

In addition to leadership coaching, Danielle brings nearly 20 years of strategic communications experience to her work with her consulting clients. She connects vision with strategy to achieve their growth and impact goals. Danielle has secured earned media placements for her clients in a variety of media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Axios, Bloomberg, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Chicago Sun Times, POLITICO, and network television affiliates across the United States.

To feed her commitment to racial equity and female empowerment work, Danielle serves on several volunteer boards and is often invited to speak on panels about justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as health and education disparities. She received her bachelor’s degree from Emory University, where she majored in sociology and minored in political science.