
Sarah Klein Masterson

Senior Strategist

Sarah has dedicated 20+ years of her professional life to cause-driven communications for a better world. She’s passionate about inspiring people to say “Me, too!” and “I’m IN,” rather than “So what?”

Sarah’s expertise is copywriting and message strategy for individual giving. With degrees in both psychology and communications/rhetoric, she brings a unique and timely perspective to donor communication. Her work is shaped by her study of the psychology of philanthropy, pioneered by Dr. Jen Shang and Dr. Adrian Sargeant.

She has worn many hats in nonprofit communications: as communications director and senior copywriter on nonprofit staff, as a board member and advisory council member, and since 2004 as a consultant. She has served national NPOs, global NGOs, community-based organizations, grantmaking institutions, higher ed, and social entrepreneurs.

Sarah has lived and worked in Washington, DC and Austin, TX, where she’s now based with her two teenage children and their beloved cat, Poppy.